Earth Frequency Business Profile: Racheal Cook

February 9, 2016 / Business Resources / no comments

Racheal Cook is a business and lifestyle design strategist for heart centered entrepreneurs. She teaches clients how to design a business that allows you to work when and where you want, providing the lifestyle you wish for yourself and your family. Allowing you to serve with your whole heart, a lovely side-effect of a full inspiration tank. She’s also an Earth Frequency. While I frequently talk about Earth Frequency business owners as extremely heart driven and family focused, her use of those exact words to describe her work is entirely her own. Her success is particularly relevant to Earth Frequency business owners because she exemplifies leading with her heart and creating slow and steady growth – hallmarks of an Earth Empire. She’s invited us in for a behind the scenes look at how understanding her Earth Frequency has impacted her … Continue reading

Creating Your Essential Business Process

February 8, 2016 / Making Money / no comments

One of the big sand traps I see business owners getting stuck in on their way to success is reinventing the wheel for every client.   For each person that books them, they are doing whatever they need to to support them.  There are very few boundaries involved, and they are going above and beyond in all areas of their work with their clients. While over delivering can be a boost to your business, it can also be quicksand.  Doing anything and everything for your clients is draining, and siphons your energy that you need to keep building your business as you work with clients.  It’s also hard to sell. When on a consult with a client, it’s hard to say “I’ll be your everything.  I’ll do whatever it takes, whatever you need, whenever you want.”  That takes it from professional relationship to high … Continue reading

Stop Feeling Like You Are Starting Over

January 21, 2016 / Business Resources / 2 comments

All too often I see entrepreneurs feeling frustrated and dissapointed, because they feel like then need to re-start their business or can’t truly grow in the way they want, because they feel trapped by what they’ve built. One big reason is that they’re too focused on their ICA (ideal client avatar) to build a strong, sustainable empire. I propose we start with our own personal mission and message, and then decide whose lives we want to change.  How do you do that? I explain it all in this video. Here are some questions to help you dive into your north star mission + message: What’s the change that you really want to see made in the world around you? If you had a magic wand to wave (that could change the world), what change would you make? What’s the one thing that … Continue reading

{Client Spotlight} Karen Pery + Gary Maher, Into The Fire Surf Leadership Retreat

January 1, 2016 / Making Money / no comments

MY CLIENTS ARE ROCKSTARS. ENTREPRENEURIAL DAREDEVILS READY TO INVEST TIME AND ENERGY INTO THEIR BUSINESSES.  They are on fire to grow a business that gives them the financial stability and lifestyle they long for. They are in it for the long haul, but are stuck on what to do right now. They understand there’s no such thing as overnight success seven steps to seven figures. They have all the pieces of a business, but it’s not working together and growing in the way they know it could. They are sick of formulas, group programs and cookie cutter approaches to business growth. They are on their own, deeply personal, custom journey. This brings them to me. What were you struggling with before you hired me? Specificity is good.  Before we hired Ellen, we had been developing and growing an in-person surf + … Continue reading

How To Make Money From Your Online Quiz

December 3, 2015 / Making Money / 4 comments

Welcome to part 2 of How To Launch a Profitable Online Quiz. Not up to speed on the fist set of tips and tricks to make money? Check out part one, 5 Steps To Launching An Online Quiz. So now that you are well on your way to creating your online quiz – how the heck do you take it to the next level? Buzzfeed quizzes are all well and good, but we are sweating hard to make money, not waste time. Here are my four rules for financial success when creating a profitable online quiz Step 1: give your readers somewhere to grow This is pretty basic, but crucial for success – make sure you’ve thought about what your upsell will be, and when you’d like them to hit “buy”.   Once you know what you’d like them to buy, … Continue reading

A Few Things You Need To Survive The Holidays This Year

November 23, 2015 / Inner Game / 4 comments

This American Thanksgiving, I am so grateful for YOU.  Reader, Frequency Finder, Client, Entrepreneur Dream Chaser, Empire Builder. Whenever I email my readers, I include a section on “Cool Things From Around The Internet!” this week I wanted to share resources to help you have conversations with your family about what you do.  It quickly spiraled into a collection of on point giggleworthy graphics, articles and cartoons about this life we’ve chosen for ourselves. Behold a hilarious round up of the realities of working for yourself.   Dive into these for giggles, laughter, moral support and a big ole reminder that you’re not alone. The Oatmeal, Making Things.  This cartoon captures the joy, elation and depression perfectly.  If you haven’t seen it yet it’s required reading. This listcicle from Buzzfeed about the realities of working from home has me busting up every … Continue reading