Explore The New & Let Go Of What Happens Next

May 1, 2012 / Inner Game / one comment

April showers have definitely brought in the May flowers, and they are more wild and beautiful than ever.   While I love noticing the new flowers on my walks with Huxley, I can’t help reflecting that April brought showers in more ways than the weather. My April felt blustery.  Unsettled.  Thunderstormy.  Lots of electricity in the atmosphere.  Like when I watched a thunderstorm roll through the Grand Canyon, every moment felt important and timeless. The May flowers are blooming, but I’m noticing in my life they’re not looking like I thought they would.  Different opportunities have come into my life, and things that seemed like a slam dunk are not no longer in the picture.  I’m still playing with my ‘Better Bus‘ analogy – what gifts did my April thunderstorms bring me that I didn’t expect to see blooming in May? … Continue reading

RuPauls Guide To Love: Honey, If You Can’t Love Yourself, How The Hell You Gonna Love Someone Else?

April 24, 2012 / Inner Game / 5 comments

Can I get an amen? I have just finished devouring seasons 2-4 of RuPauls Drag Race (Season 1 is not available on Netflix, fail) and she has infused me with all sorts of sassy advice and catchy dance tunes.   In honor of the Season 4 finale with aired yesterday (I’m team anyone but Phi-Phi) I thought I’d capture all my learning at the shrine of Ru and integrate it into my Spring Fever series, (missed the kick-off post Date Differently? For you.) consider this a cheat sheet to fabulosity. RuPaul.  Drag queen, pop music sensation, shoe designer, cultural icon.  She knows a thing or two about life and love.  Having been around the block what I am assuming is many times, she’s distilled her core nugget of wisdom down to that key phrase.  It’s filled with so much truth.  “Honey, if … Continue reading

What’s Your Better Bus?

April 10, 2012 / Inner Game / one comment

“Woke up, fell out of bed, Dragged a comb across my head Found my way downstairs and drank a cup, And looking up I noticed I was late. Found my coat and grabbed my hat Made the bus in seconds flat.” A Day In The Life by the Beatles always haunts me when I obviously miss my bus.  Obviously meaning I watch it roll down the street, without me on it.  Ouch.  And then I think “how does he dooooo it?” One morning, humming that song after seriously missing my bus, balancing my book, coffee and purse against the bus-stop post, I was settled in for the 20 minute wait until the next bus rolled up.  Then, a minor urban miracle happened. Another bus pulled up.  It too was a rapid, meaning less stops, to downtown.  As I entered, I … Continue reading

Remember You’re Still You or, Don’t Let Your Crazy Run The Show

April 3, 2012 / Inner Game / no comments

Sounds strange, right? You’re still you. Well of course I am silly! Who else would I be? The voice in my head replies. (The voice in my head is an elderly British woman, I imagine her rapping me on the knuckles with her cane to make her point heard.) But here’s the thing, in the face of major choices, we tend to forget that we are still ourselves.  Real life examples of this that I have heard from my friends and clients: If you’re a constant saver, you’re still going to be frugal even if you earn more money.  You’re not going to turn into a spendthrift overnight. You’re still you. If you’re a planner, you’re going to keep making plans, even if they change half-way through.  You’re still you. If you are someone who is open and honest, you’ll … Continue reading


March 27, 2012 / Inner Game / 11 comments

A visual manifesto. I created this visual manifesto because I really believe that anything is possible, you just need to uncork your awesome and go after it. What’s your manifesto of possibility? Treat yourself! Purchase yourself a poster. Be inspired, always. I’m Ellen! A Career & Life Coach + Decision Making Expert.  You want me on your team. I’m dedicated to helping you uncork your awesome, ditch options overwhelm and get out of your own way to have the life you really want and deserve! Curious how I can impact your life? Schedule a free superhero session with me here.

The Art Of Decision Making

March 20, 2012 / Inner Game / 4 comments

In today’s world, anything is possible.  Yep.  Anything.  You can be anything you want, and you can do anything you can imagine. Let that reverberate for a moment.  Anything. Like space, it can go on forever into the distance.  I know I can feel lost in it at times. Since there are about a jillion options out there – for career, relationship, life path, what to do on your Saturday night, how do you decide what’s right for you? Here’s a 5 step starter process designed to get you into ACTION around your big decision. What do you really want? Deep down, big picture, what do you want? Be real with yourself.  This is huge. What are you willing to do to get it? Are you willing to make a phone call? What about fly across the country? Are you … Continue reading