3 Ways To Limit Yourself To Grow Your Business
It’s so easy these days to want to do EVERYTHING. Write the book, host the teleseminar, go to all the amazing events, be everywhere on social media, be a public speaker, have several lines of passive income, make tons of money. In trying to DO everything, we often get caught up in trying to BE everything, which not only can make you feel insane, but it sends a lot of diluted messages to the world and your clients. Because no matter how incredible you are, you can’t be everything to everyone. By trying to do that, you are actually slowing down your business growth, because you’re detracting from what you’re actually amazingly powerful at. Here are 3 ways to limit yourself to grow the heck outta your business. Do one thing really well Yes, you might actually be a … Continue reading
Are You Leaving Money On The Table? New Video Series
Hello Dear Creativas! It’s an epidemic. It’s alarming. So many powerful, inspiring, impactful businesses are leaving money on the table. And I get it – it’s hard to do it all yourself. It’s hard to carve out time during a super busy month/week/year/life to really dive deep into who your people are and craft the perfect opt-in for them. Online creative businesses are made up of a hundred moving parts, on a good day. Most business owners are holding all the reigns themselves and don’t have the time and bandwidth to deal with all of it. Because of this, these wonderful businesses that have the power to change the world are leaving money on the table. That kills me because with more income, these women are capable of seriously changing their lives and the world. They can have … Continue reading
How To Blog Without Actually Blogging
So, I have been hearing from my clients a LOT about how much they hate blogging. How hard it is, how confusing it is, and how it’s just the worst part of their business. You know what I say to that? Don’t blog. If you hate it, if it’s like pulling fingernails, don’t do it. I give you permission to run and build your business YOUR way. If you can make your biz thrive and hum and bring in the benjamins without blogging, get it. But I’ll tell you, blogging is important. It’s a super straightforward way to share your message and vision with more than just your mom + besties. It’s a way to dropkick your awesomeness out into the world, and connect with people that really need to hear your message. It’s also super important from a … Continue reading
What’s Changed Since You Were A Kid
I read so many articles and interviews that pull out elements of the subjects childhood to point to, essentially saying “see? they’ve been like this since they were a kid!” Therefore, it’s destiny/fate/obvious they would grow up to be this talented/inspirational person. Which, I get. Especially when that success has been achieved, it’s opportune to cherry pick the parts of your story that make for the most compelling narrative, and start blacking out all the intense hard that might have accompanied it. Don’t we all WANT to know she was singing before she could talk, and went on to win The Voice? What I want to know is, how have things changed since you were a kid. What are things you HATED that now you LOVE. Or what were things you were totally obsessed with that are now dust on your … Continue reading
5 Things To Think About Before You Name Your Business
Gather ’round Creativas, story time. When I was approaching the end of my coaching curriculum, it was time to think about STARTING my BUSINESS. It was very exciting stuff, and I wanted to do it right. I wanted to be a REAL business, you know, with a name and stuff. So I thought about names, and my life, heart, and personality. I came up with the PERFECT name to call my business: Girafa Coaching. Girafa is giraffe in Spanish, I’m bilingual, and that’s important to me. Plus Giraffes are an amazing and sentimental animal to me + were my dad’s favorite animal, so I definitely wanted to incorporate it. Coaching seemed like a slam-dunk because duh, I was a life coach. As it turned out, working in the US, Girafa was hard to pronounce/remember/explain. Coaching also takes a bit … Continue reading
The Worst Way To Get Clients If You’re A Coach
This is a guest post by the unstoppable Rebecca Tracey of The Uncaged Life + this article makes me say ‘ayyyyy-men’. As coaches, sometimes getting clients is hard. And I see so many coaches struggling to get clients and make money… and when I look at what they are doing, it’s no wonder it’s not working for them! Most coaches have no idea how to get clients and so they think coaching is not a viable business (which totally isn’t their fault! Coaching school teaches you coaching skills, not marketing skills). The way most coaches go about it is all wrong – being really generic about what they do, coaching anyone and everyone they can fine, and being vague about what results they actually deliver. And this leads to spending MOST of their time explaining what coaching is, rather than … Continue reading