Three Ways to Nail Down Your Ideal Customer Without Going Insane

March 13, 2014

Who are you talking toWho are you talking to? 

This is the do not pass go, freeze you in your tracks, for reals, no kidding question you MUST answer before your business goes anywhere.

You have to know who you’re talking to.   Because who you’re talking to, is who you’re developing a relationship with.  And people who have relationships with you, (are more likely to) buy from you.

So, who are you talking to?

The sexy shorthand for that is Ideal Customer Avatar, or ICA.  If you are in Bschool, or know anyone in Bschool this year, they’re likely running around obsessing over their ICA, or looking at you a litttttle strangely and asking about your favorite magazine.  (If they’re doing that, they likely think YOU are their ICA, what an honor!)

Anyway, it’s one of the HARDEST things to nail down because we, as people and multi-passionate business owners, want to talk with EVERYONE.  We want to build relationships with the whole wide world and we HATE choosing.  It can feel limiting and restricting.  And we hate feeling restricted, because we’re so darn multi-passionate. 

However, if you don’t get specific, and CLEAR, and focused about who you’re talking to, you’ll never talk with anyone.  Because when people hear ‘anyone or everyone’ they hear ‘not me’ – because we think of ourselves as special, specific, unique.

So, here are three ways to nail down your Ideal Customer Avatar  (which really is answering the question, who are you talking to?) without going INSANE.

Think about who you LOVE to talk to
This seems so simple, so obvious, so let’s not overcomplicate it.  If you LOVE talking to expectant mothers, even if you’ve never had a child, then your ICA might be expectant mothers.  Because who we LOVE to talk to is indicative of what topics, types of people, and problems we’re obsessed with.  Don’t overlook that when thinking about your ideal clients.

I know this one from experience, it took me tooooo long to realize that I was obsessed with talking about big business dreams + strategy with my friends.  I’m obsessed, and when I got real about that, my business exploded, in the very best way.

Think about yourself, 6 months ago
This might feel cliche, but it’s also totally true.  We tend to build our business around what we wished we knew 6 months to 1 year ago.  What lessons have you learned, skills developed, that could really help past versions of you.  Also, people tend to HIRE who they WANT to be in 6 months.  Or people who represent WHERE they want to be in 6 months.   It’s why people tend to hire proven, successful business coaches, and fit personal trainers.  Clients want to see you walk your talk.  So, what talk are you already walking?

What group of people to you want to seriously change their lives?
Because whoever your ICA ends up being, you’ll be spending a lot of time with them.  So it’s important that you’re really revved up to change their lives and create massive value and impact for them.  If you’re thinking from a place of strategy, or ‘these people are good enough because they have money to spend’ – you’ve got to keep looking.

It’s also ok to NOT want to hang out with a group of people, even if you COULD create massive change and value in their lives.  I could easily do grief work and coach women who have lost their father too soon.  But, right now, that’s not a group of people that I have a lot of juice to change their lives.  I love them, I relate to them, but I participate in those communities as a participant, not as a change agent or leader.   So, just because you COULD, doesn’t mean you HAVE TO

Put more you in your business

(regardless of your myers-brigg)

6 thoughts on “Three Ways to Nail Down Your Ideal Customer Without Going Insane

  1. Great post Ellen! As a fellow OG B-Schooler (circa ’11), these are some great points of how to nail done your ideal customer.

    I had a hell of a time doing this exercise. One thing I’ve found to be quite useful and that I learned from one of my coaches, Jenny Shih, is to first identify who YOU are first. A lot times we miss this key step. Knowing why you do what you do, what you believe in and WHO you love to serve is the baseline for discovering your ideal clients & customers.

    This way of looking at the ICA exercise really shifted things for me. In my experience if you know who you are first, you’ll know who you want to serve.

    • Such a great perspective, Stephanie. I was speaking to my husband about my journey to “being fully realized” just this afternoon. I think as I slowly climb that hill the ICA will become more clear to me.

  2. Great article Ellen!

    For me, I had a brainwave when I realized that my ideal client was nothing like me even though she wants what I have. You hear so much about looking to your past self to find your ideal client but nothing about the fact that she might be the exact opposite to you!

    I have clarity like I’ve never had before around my ICA and can’t wait to actually get out there and speak to her more 🙂

  3. I LOVED what you said here: “It’s also ok to NOT want to hang out with a group of people, even if you COULD create massive change and value in their lives. I could easily do grief work and coach women who have lost their father too soon. But, right now, that’s not a group of people that I have a lot of juice to change their lives. I love them, I relate to them, but I participate in those communities as a participant, not as a change agent or leader. So, just because you COULD, doesn’t mean you HAVE TO.” Because I have heard that as well from a hundred different people as to things I would be super good at.

    Thanks Ellen … this helped for sure as I am reminding myself of what I love to do and who I love to work with. 🙂

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