What You Probably Need To Hear (But Don’t Want To) Kid President Style

January 30, 2013 / Inner Game / no comments

It’s been a strange week around these parts.  Full of ups and down, lulls and wild spurts of inspiration.  In one of the lulls, this video was sent to me.  5 times.  Apparently, my friends though I would like it.   I am not a huge fan of precocious kids doing grownup stuff.  So the image didn’t grab me.  Also, sometimes I don’t watch internet videos.  I’m more of a words girl, I guess.  I’m sharing this with you to say I had a lot of resistance to watching this video.  Finally, in a fit of impatience and boredom, I clicked play. Stop being boring.  Watch the video. If you’ve already seen it, skip to the commentary below.  No cheating!  What grabbed me is that he points out that the road less traveled, HURTS.  Yeah.  It’s not easy.  There are ROCKS.  … Continue reading

Organize Your Life In 3 Easy Steps

January 16, 2013 / Business Resources / 3 comments

Ladies and gents, today we are getting logistical. As it’s the start of a new year, and new projects are starting to come up, dreams awakened, goals set and waiting to be achieved, intentions overarching our actions…it’s time to give y’all some structure to kick major butt this year. We can’t do all that we want to do, and be all that we can possibly become, without some foresight and intention.  Calendaring, old-fashioned as it sounds, really helps move your life along in a sane, grounded way. I calendar like my life depends on it.  Because it does.  I’ve got 1 company, dozens of clients, 2 part time jobs and an active social life.  If I don’t put everything on my calendar, things fall apart fast. In fact, I developed my system because I got too embarrassed double or triple … Continue reading

Your Impact Matters

January 8, 2013 / Inner Game / one comment

As the New Year was dawning, I found out I’d lost a friend.  While I hadn’t seen his face in several years, we had kept in fairly good touch via facebook.  Being dog owners in the same community, we exchanged news about that, and I always scanned for him & his pup at the dog parks. We used to work together, back before I took 6 months off to travel and volunteer in Latin America.  When I got back and was looking for a full time job, I found what appeared to be a job perfectly suited for me.  However, it required a solid amount of accounting and finance work that I had only tangentially worked with in the past. I needed a job recommendation & some support learning the accounting program, so I called him up. At a time … Continue reading

The Answer Is Love

December 31, 2012 / Inner Game / one comment

To all of the questions, the answer is love. What does the world need more of? Love. What would help your family situation? Love. How can I make the world a better place? Love. What do you want at the grocery store? Love. See? It works. It’s New Years Eve 2012 and I am feeling reflective and in awe.  I have just spent the entire second half of December being immobile on my couch due to a debilitating back strain.  It’s was truly terrifying to be unable to move to do even the simplest things.   But now, almost 3 weeks later, I am able to walk again, take care of my dog, and be a more active member of my world again.  The fact that it’s also New Years Eve, a time of great transition and power for me is … Continue reading

Tips And Tricks To Thriving In December

December 13, 2012 / Inner Game / no comments

December. A month among months.  For some of us it conjures Holiday joy and unbridled enthusiasm.  That would be my sister.  For others, social overload. That’s more me.  And there’s always family involved, which makes everything …more.  Absolutely every family brings more to December. I’ve spent a lot of time talking about how to not just survive, but thrive during December with my clients and friends.  In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s got the extra oomph of getting dark early and being extra cold.  Here’s my rock solid list of ways to THRIVE this December – and really every month.  But let’s focus on this one, shall we? Love Yourself Might sound silly but it’s numero uno.  “If you don’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love anyone else?” – RuPaul.  This means your Aunt Janet, your overly chatty cousin … Continue reading

5 Minutes + 5 Yoga Poses = Holiday Bliss

December 6, 2012 / Inner Game / 6 comments

This is a guest post by the one and only Elle Griffin, of Happy Yogis.  She is offering up her expertise on keeping your body relaxed and well this Holiday Season.  She’s even created custom images and a podcast to help you master your bliss! It’s here!! The Holidays!! My favorite time of year… Unfortunately, it also happens to be one of the most chaotic times of year. Family, shopping, travel, and that drunken old uncle mean tensions can run high. But we don’t want that to get in the way of our Christmas joy right?? Right. So I’m adding a little yoga sequence to your toolbox to help you love your way through the holiday season. It only takes five minutes, involves five poses, and at the end you will feel amazing. Ready? 1. Checkout from Family Drama with … Continue reading