The Tricky Business of Promoting Yourself
This is a guest post by the straight shootin’ Maggie Patterson. I cheered when I read this article, let me know your thoughts in the comments! You’ve got a website and you are ready to go? Bring it on world! You’re on your way to fame and fortune. Or are you? Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Total crickets. This my friends is the sad reality of any business, if you build it, they will not come. Having a website is simply not enough. The best packages and services in the world will simply never sell if people don’t know you exist. I know its hard to hear, but this is the harsh reality of having a primarily online business. So, what’s a savvy business owner to do? You need to get out there and promote yourself! Easier said than done, I … Continue reading
Getting The Most Out Of Your Mastermind
Oooo Masterminds! The most mysterious and often mis-understood of terms. You often hear really high performing people saying “My Mastermind helped me get here” or “I couldn’t have done this without my Mastermind!” You also see people leading them for top dollar, at very exclusive locations. Masterminds look so snazzy and classy! But for the uninitiated, it can be sooo confusing! What exactly is a Mastermind? HOW do they work? How do you get one? I am here to clear the confusion right out of the air. The simple, very boring truth, is Masterminds can look however you want them to look. Ugh, I know, right? So, here’s the 411 on how to make them work for YOU – and how to make one, period. Because they ARE amazing, powerful tools for professional and personal growth. There are for the most … Continue reading
Accepting that Business Doesn’t Need to be So Hard
Here’s the thing – I come from a very strong family work ethic. It’s a BIG part of our cultural identity. And, in my family, work ethic is synonymous with hard work. We, are Hard Workers. It’s what we do, it’s who we are, and it’s part of what ties us together. When I quit my traditional, insurance paying, consistent paycheck giving job many moons ago, it was HARD for me. Not to give up those things, but to understand where I fit in my families cultural identity now that I wasn’t Working Hard any more. I mean, I was working hard, but it didn’t FEEL hard. It felt passionate, it felt creative and fun. I was shocked (and elated!) I was getting paid for it. Every now and then I still look around and get confused about how I … Continue reading
Why Copywriting Is Like Online Dating (+ Why Nobody Should Try Either Alone)
This is a guest post by Erica Lee Strauss, word weaver + copywriter, whom all my clients work with to support their amazing businesses. Tell me if you’ve been there: You’ve finally nabbed a date from your OKCupid profile and you’re about to hit the town, rocking your tried-and-true staple “date” outfit. You’re totally thinking: Tonight’s the night. Then you meet the dude and it’s actually going really freaking well. Part of you is realizing – this could be it. I mean, not only does he share your obsession with Daft Punk + draft beer – he’s laughing at all your jokes? Winning! You’re feeling amazing. And you should. You’re a fine specimen, and any guy would be lucky to have you as his lady. And then it happens. She walks in. Y’know – that woman. The one who’s decked out … Continue reading
Three Ways to Nail Down Your Ideal Customer Without Going Insane
Who are you talking to? This is the do not pass go, freeze you in your tracks, for reals, no kidding question you MUST answer before your business goes anywhere. You have to know who you’re talking to. Because who you’re talking to, is who you’re developing a relationship with. And people who have relationships with you, (are more likely to) buy from you. So, who are you talking to? The sexy shorthand for that is Ideal Customer Avatar, or ICA. If you are in Bschool, or know anyone in Bschool this year, they’re likely running around obsessing over their ICA, or looking at you a litttttle strangely and asking about your favorite magazine. (If they’re doing that, they likely think YOU are their ICA, what an honor!) Anyway, it’s one of the HARDEST things to nail down because … Continue reading
Are You Falling into These Confidence Traps? How to Dig Yourself Out Gracefully
There’s something about this time of year, where we’re at the tail end of winter, far enough away from the new year where all those shiny new years resolutions and goals have lost their momentum, but not quite to the spring has sprung surge that awaits us in late March/early April. Something about right now really tends to bring up the “What am I dong?” and “Am I doing this right?” and it’s a huge torpedo for your business. Because yes, a lot of your business success and growth will come through action, but it’s all driven by the mental game. If you’re not feeling confident and sharp in your skills, you’re unlikely to make the amount of sales you know you could be, which only takes you further down these confidence killing traps. The good news is there are some graceful, simple fixes … Continue reading