Destroy What You Like To Make Room For What You Love

January 29, 2015 / Making Money / one comment

There comes a time when you need to make a hard decision to let something go in favor of the future vision. It could be time to end a relationship, retire a service or stop creating some recurring content.  It’s a challenging moment because you’re letting go of something that has worked for you in the past, for the unknown of the future.  One of my all time favorite metaphors is “you need to cut back the roses to encourage new growth.” The other day, walking my dog through my neighborhood. My favorite rose grove had been hacked down to mere nubs.   I was so sad at the loss of these vibrant flowers greeting me on my daily walk.  And then I realized, this is that metaphor in real life action. This is actually cutting back the roses to encourage … Continue reading

{Client Spotlight} The Girl Who Knows Curator-in-Chief Stephanie Watanabe

December 29, 2014 / Making Money / one comment

My clients are rockstars. Entrepreneurial daredevils ready to invest time and energy into their businesses.  They are on fire to grow a business that gives them the financial stability and lifestyle they long for. They are in it for the long haul, but are stuck on what to do right now. They understand there’s no such thing as overnight success seven steps to seven figures. They have all the pieces of a business, but it’s not working together and growing in the way they know it could. They are sick of formulas, group programs and cookie cutter approaches to business growth. They are on their own, deeply personal, custom journey. This brings them to me. What were you struggling with before you hired me? Specificity is good. I was struggling BIG TIME (for years) with clarity around my business. I knew I … Continue reading

The Year My Business Grew Boobs (metaphorically speaking)

December 16, 2014 / Making Money / 2 comments

I don’t know about you, but this time of year I can’t seem to be on Facebook for more than 10 minutes without seeing an Ad or Promo for “Plan your best year EVER!” “Make 2015 the year you stop stalling and start DOING”  or similar stuff. It’s important to plan, don’t get me wrong – and we’ll get to the planning strategy in a minute- but I find it impossible to plan without taking a solid look back to celebrate where I’ve been. Because if we don’t know where we’ve been, HOW will we know where we want to go? I find that this time of year it’s so easy to get caught in the shoulds, the doubts, the comparisionitus, the insecurity.  It’s rampant! And if we mapped out our 2015 (Best EVER!) from that place, it would be a … Continue reading

What’s Your Spire?

November 19, 2014 / Making Money / one comment

<img height=”1″ width=”1″ alt=”” style=”display:none” src=”[value]=0.01&cd[currency]=USD&noscript=1″ />I don’t know about you, but I notice as the end of the year draws closer, I tend to slow down.   I slow down, take stock, and sometimes, freak out about where this is all going and what the next year is going to look like.   This year, that’s just not the case, and I’m going to share the powerful, simple reason why. It’s easy to feel a bit fuzzy this time of year – it lacks the go-go-go of the Fall and Spring, yet the focus on your business and life is incredibly intense.   I’ve spent the last few weeks doing my own deep dive, mapping out how I want my business to grow, which is when I came across an incredible, powerful metaphor that changed everything for me. I … Continue reading

Avoiding the Social Media Energy Suck OR How To Use Facebook For Good Not Evil

October 17, 2014 / Making Money / no comments

Oh social media, can’t live with it, can’t live without it. I find Facebook is the biggest one that people have the most opinions and emotional reactions to.  It’s AMAZING.  Full of your friends, potential clients, mentors, and interest groups.  So much potential goodness there! But also, EVERYONE’S opinions and feelings.  It’s an avalanche of emotions, feelings, reactions, political views, sports updates, business sales pitches, inspirational quotes and baby pictures. It’s easy to compare and despair. Because I want to underscore that we are people on Facebook, which I think can sometimes get overlooked or ignored, I made a video with my top three strategies for avoiding the Facebook time + energy drain.  Also I look like a glamorous floating head, because I wore the same color dress as my couch, eggplant.  Opps 🙂 Step 1:  Be active in a few groups. It’s am impossible … Continue reading

Stop Being a Guest Star on Your Own Show

October 6, 2014 / Inner Game / 2 comments

One of my favorite pop culture terms is ‘starring vehicle’.  It’s often used with derision to describe a movie or tv show that’s being developed specifically to showcase an actor as a star.  Like somehow being intentional with the fact that they want to showcase their specific talents and strengths as an actor undercuts the ‘art’ of it all.  That creating a role, tv show or movie specifically for them is somehow cheating, or not working hard enough. Which is crazy to me. Why would you want to keep taking roles and appearances that don’t let you showcase your chops?  Why should you be judged for forming strategic partnerships that might enable you to grow your career faster?  To me, this maps perfectly to the experience of an online business owner.  We feel like there’s a certain route we need to take, a well … Continue reading