Hey there, I'm Ellen
money-making expert, biz strategy slinger,
confidence builder + community cultivator
for world-changing creativas like you
In the months after starting to work with Ellen I made $14,000 more than I was making at my 9 to 5 job. Now, six months in to my second year of business, I am on track to reach my goal of making $80,000 a year! I wish someone had told me when I was first started freelancing that hiring a business coach would help me make this much, and no longer have to fight the feast or famine cycle. I would have hired Ellen right then, and saved myself a lot of struggle and heartache!
Emily Belyea, Website DesignerListen to the Money Making Magic Podcast
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Unshakeable confidence: a...
It’s easy to let how you feel about yourself be the unspoken force that runs your business. When you’re feeling shiny and confident, you do FacebookLives! You write! You book clients! But when you’re feeling down, or anything less than radiantly magnetic, th...
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into smaller manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one. Mark Twain
Money Clearings | clear your money blocks
Money clearings address your money blocks at an energetic level. I combine my money clearings with a personalized reading. Which I present to you in an easily interpretable, apply it to your own life, keep releasing your money blocks kinda way. ...
If you’re...
...buzzing with ideas, vision + determination, but doubting yourself at every turn...
...doing everything you “should” but still not seeing results...
...struggling to get paid for your services...