$15 Frequency Forecasts: why you need them and November forecasts

November 22, 2016

Welcome – I’m so glad to introduce you to Frequency Forecasts, a fantastic way to understand yourself and the energy that surrounds your month and year.

If you’ve never heard me talk about Frequency before, watch this overview video.

Find your overall Frequency — this Frequency relates to your overall youness, how other people perceive you and how you show up in the world.  It’s also the one that governs the Frequency cycle that you’re in, the energy of the year and month surrounding you.  It might not be your strongest, meaning you might have gotten another Frequency when you took the quiz, but to understand where you are in your Frequency cycle, it’s what we need to use.

To determine the Frequency to use for this Frequency Forecast, use the year you were born in.   Please note Frequency years shift on February 4th.  If you were born between Jan 1st and February 3rd, please use the year prior to when you were born.

For example, if your birthday is January 15, 1982, you’d use 1981 to find your Frequency.

WATER -1918, 1927, 1936, 1945, 1954, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008, 2017

FIRE -1910, 1919, 1928, 1937, 1946, 1955, 1964, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2000, 2009

MOUNTAIN EARTH- 1911, 1920, 1929, 1938, 1947, 1956, 1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 2001, 2010

PRINCESS -1912, 1921, 1930, 1939, 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1993, 2002, 2011

EMPEROR -1913, 1922, 1931, 1940, 1949, 1958, 1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, 2003, 2012

EMPRESS -1914, 1923, 1932, 1941, 1950, 1959, 1968, 1977, 1986, 1995, 2004, 2013

BAMBOO -1915, 1924, 1933, 1942, 1951, 1960, 1969, 1978, 1987, 1996, 2005, 2014

BEANSTALK-1916, 1925, 1934, 1943, 1952, 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 1997, 2006, 2015

FERTILE EARTH-1917, 1926, 1935, 1944, 1953, 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998, 2007, 2016

Each $15 Frequency Forecast go over your last month, this month, things to watch out for, and ways to use this energy to make more money.  All subscribers to Frequency Forecasts receive the Forecasts directly to their inbox with a check in ‘stay on track’ email reminder on the 21st of the month, as well as a calendar for them to track the growth cycle. $15 a month, links to purchase your specific Frequency Forecast below each one.

Decembers will include a unique year-end wrap up ritual custom designed for each Frequency. 

This month everyone is in the same month as their year — so it’s a double dose of that energy.  A heaping helping before the year shifts into something new, which can feel like a doozy.  Find your Frequency below to learn what’s going on for you and how to harness it to grow your business.


Last month (October)
Last month felt like everything changed on you.  You were in a beanstalk month which are known for big, sometimes bumpy growth.  Surveying the landscape, things likely look really different right now than they did last month.  Your watery nature tends to be a bit slow to change, and last month might have really challenged you.  Come to think of it, that’s how last year felt for you too! You’re in the midst of a huge growth spurt.

This month (November)
This month you’re in a bamboo month and year.  Bamboo is the energy of our insides catching up with our outsides, it’s still a growth month and year for you, but it’s more internally focused than last month — which felt like everything on the outside changed.  Bamboo is also the energy of realizing what we cannot stand, shaking things up and shaking things out.   It’s getting you ready for next month where you show the world even more of who you really are — but we’re not there yet.

Things to watch out for
This month, notice what you don’t like.  What’s frustrating you and might need to change. Be careful not to get caught in complaining mode, but notice what you’re ready to shake out.   The wood energy with your water nature can feel overwhelming, make sure you’re taking time for yourself in the midst of all the new and change.

How to use this energy to make more money
Now is a great time to evaluate what’s working and not working in your business.  Last month and year saw huge growth, lots of new things happening.  This year has continued that trajectory and it’s important to take a minute to ask yourself if what you’ve said yes to is what you still want to do.   This is a good time to take stock, and cut back the branches that no longer serve you, they’ll make room for new things on the horizon.

Next month (December)
Next month will be a big month for you.  A month to express yourself further and full of great opportunities.  Make sure to sign up to get the full Frequency Forecast to help you harness and work with the energy.

Subscribe to get the December Water Frequency Forecast $15

Fertile Earth

Last month (October)
Last month likely felt like you were seeing your life with fresh eyes, becoming ever more aware of what you want, don’t want, and what you need to let go of to make that happen. Things were continuing to move and it was a time of internal growth and self-realization.

This month (November) 
This month you are in an empress month and year — meaning it’s all about you.  Likely people are leaning on you, needing more from you, and you are being called on to express yourself in deeper and more honest ways.  This year is all about you learning to put yourself first, if you don’t, no one will.  It’s a lesson that’s hard for earthy folks who love helping others, but it’s critical to our survival (I can say our because I’m in this with you, I’m a Mountain Earth frequency).  This is a month where you show us who you really are, it can feel vulnerable and scary, but we are cheering you on.  Show up, show us who you are.  We’re dying to see the real you.

Things to watch out for
Feelings of unworthiness.  The lesson right now is to put yourself first, which is a major theme for you.  It can bring up feelings of unworthiness or undeservingness.  The default pattern will be to hide behind other people’s needs, wants and feelings.  Even though that can *sound* good, it’s actually holding your growth back.  Where are you hiding, where are you making excuses? It’s time to step out from behind other people and voice your wants and desires for your own sake.

How to use this energy to make money
Show people who you really are.  Declare yourself.  Reveal what you really want and why you want it.  It’s a good month to put things out there since earth months generally mean people wanting more of you, find a way to make money off that impulse.  Enroll for a group program, open up some one on one spots.  As long as it’s what you really want to do, not what you think everyone else wants, it should go well.

Next month (December)
Next month you’ll start to see the fruits of your labor.  It’s a great month to put yourself out there and grow your impact. Make sure to sign up to get the full Frequency Forecast to help you harness and work with the energy.

Subscribe to get the December Fertile Earth Frequency Forecast $15


Last month (October) 
This year overall might feel a bit slower than you’re used to, but that’s because you’re in the “enjoy the fruits of your labor” phase.  This year is about delighting in all the hard work you’ve put in and seeing it pay off.  Last month was likely a really good month for you.  Perhaps a good review, good news, or great opportunities coming your way.  You got a lot of positive feedback and it felt great.  You might have started thinking more about your finances, and where everything is going.  This month continues those themes.

This month (November) 
This you’re feeling regal.  You’re in an emperor month and year, which means themes of excellence, seeing results from your hard work, and your finances are top of mind.  This month sees a lot of positive support for you and your work in the world.

Things to watch out for
When stepping into your royalty, practice being a magnanimous ruler, not a despot. This energy can encourage and enable your arrogance, healthy self-esteem is good, being cold or rude to others who don’t seem to innately understand your brilliance is bad.  Be aware of your relationship to your money this month — if you find yourself obsessing over needing “more” or not “having enough” those are red flags.  Any time you talk about money in non-numerical ways, it’s trouble.  If you find yourself obsessing in unclear ways, spend some time grounding and doing some number crunching.  You’re probably doing better than you think.

How to use this energy to make more money
This is a great month for you, other people are seeing you as a competent professional, lean into that.  Put your work out there, launch a program, ask for a raise.  The only thing standing in the way of you making more money is you.  This month, go for the ask.  Don’t sit back and assume people will realize how great you are or how much they need your work, guide them through that process and make it very clear how they can have more of you in their lives.   Don’t be bashful, don’t be shy, and don’t wait for them to come to you, take the reins, what do you want to see happen?

Next month (December)
You’ll continue the party parade, celebrating how far you’ve come and seeing your hard work pay off. Make sure to sign up to get the full Frequency Forecast to help you harness and work with the energy.

Subscribe to get the December Beanstalk Frequency Forecast $15


Last Month (October) 
Last month was all about you – you showing the world who you really are.  Perhaps you expressed yourself in a new way, revealed deeper layers, or practiced putting yourself first.  It was a big month for you, the final in a three month growth spurt.

This month (November) 
This month you’re in a Princess month and Princess year — this energy is very image conscious, and you might find yourself more aware of how other people perceive you. This means you might be more likely to resist compliments or perceive slights.  Don’t let yourself be robbed of this positive feedback.  Even if things don’t look how you expected them to, it’s important to acknowledge where you are and how much you’ve done, and to really hear others when they share their appreciations with you as well.  You also might find yourself obsessing about money, over-focusing on what you don’t have and how much more you need rather than seeing that you do have and how far you’ve come.

Things to watch out for
Talking about money without using concrete numbers.  If you find yourself saying “I don’t have enough money.  I wish I had more money.” or any way of describing money without using a number, it’s time to ground, look at your finances and get clear and concrete about the numbers involved.  Likely you’re doing better than you thought, take a breath, look at the reality of your situation, and move forward from there.   Also don’t ignore positive feedback – that can be draining and counter productive.  If someone has something nice to say about you, let them share it.

How to use this energy to make more money
Lean into how people are perceiving you, even if you don’t feel like you’ve got everything together, other people think you’re fabulous — be the hostess with the mostess.  Host an event, throw a party.  Enjoy your work and invite others to delight in it as well. Princess energy is great at creating experiences, so all year you might have felt the call to plan fun things, this month go wild! You’re a natural implementor, bring your sense of joy and fun to all the parties.

Next month (December)
Next month is a month of reflection and integration.  It’s a slower month designed to give you space to learn and process the lessons of the last 7 months.  Make sure to sign up to get the full Frequency Forecast to help you harness and work with the energy.

Subscribe to get the December Bamboo Frequency Forecast $15


Last month (October) 
Last month you might have been feeling really focused on money, and very aware of how other people perceived you.  The month was designed to feel celebratory, enjoying how far you’ve come in the last seven months – however being in a Mountain Earth year, things probably felt slow.  You might have been feeling more sensitive than usual, and overall wondering when things are going to change.

This month (November) 
This month continues to feel slow, you’re in a Mountain Earth year and month — what a combination!  Any time an Earth Frequency is in an Earth year or month, things slow down, your Empress nature coupled with so much Mountain Earth, things feel incredibly slow.  This month encourages you to learn your lessons — to slow down and process so that you can move into the next nine month growth cycle not carrying around the same lessons.  This year is asking you to do the same thing, except on a larger scale.  Things happening this month should be looked at from the point of view of “What is this trying to teach me?  What lesson will I finally slow down and process before moving forward?” The energy is slow for a reason, you’re being given the space to process before things pick up next year, instead of fighting it, take the time.

Things to watch out for
Be careful feeling like “things are never going to change” — when we have slow times we can use the time to do the work and prepare for what’s next, or we can throw a pity party.  Things will change — you’re being asked right now to prepare for that.  I know things feel hard and slow, but lean into the work of learning your lessons and you’ll start to move forward again.  There’s no way out but through.  Find a reframe that treats this month as a gift to yourself, see it as a nurturing moment in your self-growth.

How to use this energy to make more money
As an Earth Frequency in an Earth year and month, people are probably wanting things from you.  This is a good month to give people deep dive options to work with you one on one, or in a structured group setting.  Less is more for you right now, and slow and steady should be your new mantra, so don’t be afraid to do less, it will actually feel like more to you.  Perhaps you restrict your client spots, but make them more supportive, you could charge more while working less client hours.

Next month (December)
Get ready for the spotlight!  You’ll be high visibility next month.  It’s high energy, high opportunity and also wraps up a nine month growth cycle, so there’ll likely be some endings.  Make sure to sign up to get the full Frequency Forecast to help you harness and work with the energy.

Subscribe to get the December Empress Frequency Forecast $15


Last month (October) 
Last month may have felt a bit slower, with issues of home or relationships taking center stage.  In the middle of a fire year, which are known to be really high energy and high visibility, last month might have felt like a welcome breath of quiet, or, quieter anyway.   Last month asked to to slow down and learn some lessons before moving full steam ahead into your fire month in a fire year.

This month (November) 
This month has you burning oh so bright.  It’s also a month of endings, in a year of endings.  Fire’s role in our lives is to be jubilant, visionary and celebratory, but also burns things away to make room for your next nine years and nine month growth cycle.  Emperor’s have a hard time letting go of things.  You value things so highly it’s often hard for you to see when objects or relationships have worn out their welcome and stopped serving you.  If there’s anything that wants to shake loose that hasn’t yet, this month is a hot possibility to see it go.

Things to watch out for
Holding on too tightly to things, relationships or situations that want to leave.  Part of you equates loss with failure, and if you lose these relationships/situations or even objects in your home, you were somehow a fool for saying yes to them in the first place.  Not so.  Things change, and it’s important to invite your regal spirit into that sense of evolution and change.  Things change and it’s the wise ruler who sees the shifting landscape and updates to flow with it, not clinging to old ideas or situations because they are familiar.  I know the unknown can freak you out but you’re ready.  You can trust yourself to navigate whatever comes next.

How to use this energy to make money
Step into the spotlight!  You can be naturally reserved, waiting for people to recognize your brilliance.  You generally operate from a “People should just know I’m the best” place.  It can seem a bit arrogant, but also, you’re not wrong.  This month — and all year really — calls on you to step into the spotlight.   Go on video.  Pitch something big.  Launch a podcast.  Find ways to tell people you’re brilliant and draw them in with your fiery passion.  There’s something especially magnetic about you this year, and this month it’s on full force.  Now is not the time to hide or be humble.  Show up, step out, share your brilliance with the world.

Next month (December)
Ready to start a new cycle? Next month begins a new nine month growth cycle, inviting you to rest up and dream big about what you’d like to see come to fruition. Make sure to sign up to get the full Frequency Forecast to help you harness and work with the energy.

Subscribe to get the December Emperor Frequency Forecast $15


Last month (October) 
Last month you probably felt like all eyes were on you.  You were in a Fire month which is a month of visibility, high energy and also endings.  Perhaps some situations or relationships wrapped themselves up.  Trust that these were no longer in your highest good and it’s ok to let them go.  Being the Metal Princess that you are, letting go of things is hard for you, but it’s also really important to make space for more of what you want.

This month (November) 
This month should feel calmer to you — you’re in a Water month in a Water year, the energy is designed to help you relax, recharge and nourish yourself.  The invitation is to dream about what you’d like to see grow up over the next nine months, and also years.  This entire year has felt slower, giving you space to dream about the future you’d like to see created.   Especially after the high intensity of last month, take good care of yourself.

This to watch out for
We don’t often honor the time and space to dream in western society.  We’re all “go go go!” this month really calls on you to dream, and dream big.  Think about things you’d like to see grow over the next 9 years, and 9 months.  There’s so much fertility ahead of you, start thinking now about what seeds you’d like to plant.  Don’t get caught in the “things feel slow…..and therefore bad.” mentality.  Understand that the spaciousness is there to nurture your dreams — so spend some time dreaming big.

How to use this energy to make more money
I would focus slightly less on the short term, and spend time thinking about how you want to make your money in the long term.  Is it time for you to take yourself on a strategic retreat? Spend a few days planning your next big moves?  What’s the big picture here? Make sure that everything you’re planning or launching supports that long term vision.  Dream about how you want your business to evolve and grow, with a firm idea of the ‘why’ behind all of it.  The clearer your vision, the clearer your path becomes.  Next month you’ll spend time planting those seeds and getting ready for that growth, right now, it’s all about that big picture planning.

Next month (December)
Next month you’ll be planing the seeds for what you’d like to see grow in this nine month growth cycle.  It’s a month to get ready and prepare for what’s ahead of you.  Make sure to sign up to get the full Frequency Forecast to help you harness and work with the energy.

Subscribe to get the December Princess Frequency Forecast $15

Mountain Earth

Last month (October) 
Last year was slow, this year is slow, and last month the slowness probably really, really got to you.  Last month you may have felt like everything was starting over.  You were in a water month which asked you to consider what you really want. The big picture may have felt daunting or overwhelming, but I’m sure when you took time to rest and recharge, your dreams and vision came more into focus.

This month (November) 
With that focus and clarity around your big picture, this month is all about getting ready for the growth that’s going to happen to move you closer towards your goals.  You’re in a fertile earth month and year, which is all about planting seeds and getting ready.  This month might feel slow, but don’t waste your time, the slowness is an invitation to get ready and prepare for the growth spurt on your horizon.

Things to watch out for
Don’t sit around complaining about the slowness.  Now is the time for preparatory action.

I know things have felt slow, but there’s a big burst of movement and energy on your horizon.  You’re about to go into a 3 month growth spurt, and a 3 year growth spurt.  It’s mega important that you take the time this month to make sure you’re getting ready for that growth.  I imagine it like getting a kite all lined up — untangling the strings, unfolding the sail, if it’s one of those giant kites, anchoring yourself.  You want it to be clear and easy for the gust of energy to lift your sails and help you go where you *want* to go.  Because you’re going places.  It’s just a question if you grab the reins and chart the course, or get knocked over.   What are you preparing for?

How to use this energy to make more money
It’s preparation time.  Get everything ready for the next few months of growth and big energy.  If there are behind the scenes systems that need shoring up, do that.  Plan out how you’d like to be earning money over the next nine months, and also years.  This is the time to prepare and plant those seeds.  It’s also a month where people might be leaning on you more and wanting more from you, so enrolling in some targeted one on one work should go well for you.

Next month (December)
Movement! Finally! After what feels like months (years?) of slow, movement and growth is on the horizon.  After such a slow spell it can feel jarring so be prepared.  Big things are on the horizon. Make sure to sign up to get the full Frequency Forecast to help you harness and work with the energy.

Subscribe to get the December Mountain Earth Frequency Forecast $15


Last month (October) 
Last month things felt slow, there might have been a sense of buildup or anticipation.  Or maybe it felt like breathing room because this year is big for you.  This is your big “everything is changing” beanstalk year and the energy of movement and growth is strong.  So perhaps  it felt good to have things be a bit slower, did you catch your breath?  Because this month it’s back to go-go-go!

This month (November) 
You’re in the midst of a beanstalk month in a beanstalk year, hang onto your butts! This year has been full of change for you and this month in particular is full of change and growth.  Things you’ve felt percolating for awhile have likely gotten the green light and are starting to really expand and grow, stay grounded and focused on where you want all this energy to take you, because the bumpy, going and growing energy is going to stay with you for a while longer.

What to watch out for
Burnout.  When fire and beanstalk combine the possibility for burnout is high alert.  Your fiery nature responds to things by expanding and saying yes.  You naturally love new things and saying yes is your favorite.  This month brings you all.the.things. To say yes to, and it’s important to ground and decide if that’s something you really want to invest your energy into.   Be extra aware of your body this month, it’s often the indicator that you’re on the way to burnout and need to dial it back a little bit.

How to use this energy to make more money
This is a year of big growth and a month of big growth, make sure you’re using the energy to push you towards where you want to go.  Make sure you ground and think about things before automatically saying yes.   This month can act like a big peer pressurer, asking you to say yes to everything and anything.  The things you do say yes to are likely going to propel your business forward for months if not years to come.  To get the most out of this month, take good care of yourself.  The more energy you have to intentionally use, the better it’s going to go for you.

Next month (December)
Next month you’ll continue your growth, but it will me more focused on your inside self. It’s a month of shaking things up so be aware of what is starting to shake out.  Make sure to sign up to get the full Frequency Forecast to help you harness and work with the energy.

Subscribe to get the December Fire Frequency Forecast $15

$15 frequency forecasts and why you need them. #businesstips #businessadvice

Put more you in your business

(regardless of your myers-brigg)

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